Second DUI
DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances is a serious offense in all western countries. Many people have seen, under the influence never realize the trouble they get with drunk driving. It was only after the huge penalty bills and holding face, they understand all the consequences of their actions. Never merge driving under the influence of alcohol.
However, there are some offenders who are arrogant. Their "I do not care!"Attitude makes them disregard rules, laws and law enforcement. These people are serious criminals should be punished severely.
What are the penalties for DUI again?
There are some factors that attract the penalties increase. These are known as "aggravating circumstances". Some examples of violations are a baby in the car, speeding, accidents, someone, extremely high BAC (blood alcohol concentration) in their system and so on. We nowAnalysis of the normal penalties for driving under the influence in California.
Fines and fees:
Normally a period is given 45 days to pay the fine. Sometimes the person pay a portion of the form of community service can. If this is your second offense, then the amount in the upper range of $ 1,800 to $ 2,800
Driver's license:
If convicted in a second, he will lose the license for a period of 18 months. The permit may be suspended orlimited. In case of suspension of the driver, the vehicle can not at all. In the case of restriction, the driver can drive the vehicle to and from work or an educational institution.
DUI school;
Spending time at one point that the risks of drunk driving highlights and persuaded the driver to avoid the same is required in all cases. The number of hours you spend 12-45 hours apart and this depends on blood alcohol in your system. InGuilty in a second, it can also for 18 months.
Jail Time:
In the case of a second driving under the influence, jail for 96 hours. However, it can be reduced through community service. However, many districts are at least a couple of days in jail mandatory.
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