Back Pain Remedies - Chinese Style
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its 2500 years history and offers a lot of lower back pain remedy - lower back, lower back strengthening exercises, massage techniques, acupuncture, herbal remedies,
Ointments, patches and more. Some require a TCM doctor trained to administer it, while others can be easily learned and applied to anyone. This article presents the second - simple, effective painRemedies, and extends about pain in lower back, which can also be applied to alleviate and prevent pain in lower back.
Lower back
Breath slow, smooth and deep with the nose while exercising.
Exercise 1 Lie on a bed company or the floor. Gently bring your knees until they are above the belly
Area. Spread your knees a little 'and take the inside of the tibia just below the knee orInside your ankles, if you can.
Inhale. Exhale when you drop your knees to follow naturally from the side
Gravity. Focus your thoughts on the lower back (Close your eyes helps). Feel the inside of the thigh and lower back tension
relaxing. Hold for a few minutes as we continue
Breathe slowly, evenly and deeply. This exercise stretches and relaxes the iliopsoas muscle, which connects from your lumbar spine
Eddy on the inside ofThe sides. Tension in this muscle often caused and / or exacerbated pain in lower back.
Exercise 2 Lie on your back on a firm bed or floor. Bend your knees and slide your feet until you close your
Rear. Inhale. When you exhale, flatten your lower back, pressing gently on the bed
or on the floor. Hold for few seconds and then leave again back to his natural position curve. Repeat 3 or 4 times more
times a day.
Exercise 3 lean on a table and grab the very edge with both hands. Your upper body should be on the table and legs
hanging from the edge. Inhale. When you exhale, let the gravity naturally pull the legs down toward the floor. Feel the lower back
Stretching. Hold for a few minutes as you continue to slow, deep breathing. Focus your thoughts on the lower back
(Close your eyes helps) and imagine the pain with each releaseExhalation. Repeat several times a day.
For more features and lower back lower back strengthening exercises, try these:
Dating exercises.html
Back Pain Remedies
Before & Ginger sesame oil liniment
Mix equal parts of pure sesame oil and the juice of grated ginger. Heat in a saucepan until hot. A small amount to
the affected area and rubagain in minutes. It should be applied to the skin intact. Ginger and sesame oil, alcohol is a
excellent, easy-to-do, home remedy for back pain and pain after the other. It warms the blood circulation and stop pain. You
sure is applied several times a day, especially after showering and before bedtime. Be sure to take the clothes on
Your lower back immediately afterwards to keep the area warm. Even while it normalThe skin becomes hot and red
Now that the liniment, when a rash developed using September
According to Self lower back massage
Can be made to stand or sit. With clenched fists (not too hard), use the back
His hands, including fingers to forcefully rub the lower back up and down for several minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Rub
near the spine and sides of the lower back - wherever they occur and painRigidity. Self-massage is very
back pain at any time to correct the benefits that you can do to alleviate and prevent pain anywhere in the lower back. Massage
warms the room, moves the blood and directly stimulates the kidneys, lower back helps maintain a strong and healthy.
Tip: To improve the above effects remedies back pain stretches and combined. For
For example, lie down and the first 2extends then get up and do lower the car back massage, then apply some of Ginger &
Sesame oil liniment. You know your body better, but to experiment in this way until you find what works best for your particular situation. For lower back pain remedies lower stretches back and visit the author's website.
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