Mortgage mistake - your money back from the banks
in Australia in recent years, many banks were exposed to this, many of them have been overcharging their customers interest on their mortgages or home-made. This is a problem for many years and it is not isolated here in all Australia, this is a problem all over the world with thousands of lawsuits.
A recent study found that 54% of all monthly statements contain errors and the average error was $ 242 per month with the majorMost of these errors in favor of secured creditors.
This is quite alarming for many home loan or a mortgage taken in 30 years, doing the math, which is unnecessarily a potential $ 87,120.00, you could pay it completely. This is a down payment on a property, a new car, or around the world holiday.
I'm sure the big question that I ask now is ...
How do you know if you change banks?
There is aSomehow, you're going to calculate the accuracy of your bank statements. You can try to understand that it is all by itself, but can be very difficult, because the errors occur in the first place. Can be the easiest and best way to analyze financial statements for errors specially developed software to use to do all the hard work for you.
If you find a mistake, the banks will refund the error?
Yes, provided it can be shown the error ofBanks will again deposit money directly into your account. It can be difficult to prove a sheet to take home and that is one of the reasons why you should have a track record with a reputable large company. ensured through the use of software from a reputable company, you will find that they provide spreadsheets and documents available and maintain in a court.
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