Offensive breath testing in DWI
The State of Minnesota and the State of Wisconsin currently require a person of a / DUI suspicion of DUI, breath blood or urine sets the blood alcohol concentration to determine the subject. A refusal to submit to testing, such a limitation may be more severe impact of a test result with a BAC above the law.
The Intoxilyzer 5000 is the current breath test machine used. This is the machine that is used when a / DWI DUI suspect is caught by the policeStation and should not be confused with the preliminary breath test (PBT), which can in a scene / DWI DUI stop can be used. The PBT is not admissible as evidence in court that the results of the Intoxilyzer 5000 may be critical for the prosecutor in the case.
The producer of the "Intoxilyzer" is CMI, a company in Kentucky. Though the Intoxilyzer has the potential, exactly, is not infallible. Breath testing in general is based on the principle that is a direct relationshipbetween the amount of alcohol in deep lung volume of air a person's blood alcohol aveolar person in the tissue of the lungs. Breath testing equipment is calibrated on the assumption that the ratio of alcohol in the air, the alcohol in the blood is 1-2100.
This report is inaccurate individual differences.
Research has clearly shown that the ratio can vary between air and blood individuals. This is critical since a person with a relationship2100-1 are shown below in an inaccurate test result and high blood alcohol from a breath sample.
Breathing techniques AFFECTING TEST RESULTS
The breathing techniques, reading the Intoxilyzer 5000. A sample of breath longer - more than ten seconds - may result in a higher% BAC reading of more than 100, since the machine is calibrated to test sample of 10 seconds. It has also accumulated a person who breaths or breath alcohol residue in the mouthwhich leads to a reading higher than their true BAC. hyperventilation may also affect the test. The influence of breathing techniques on Intoxilyzer results was confirmed in a recent research at the University of Washington, Department of Medicine of the direction of Dr. Michael Hlastala.
The radio signals may OUT DEVICE
numerous reports and scientific articles have demonstrated that the Intoxilyzer 5000 unstable if it is close to other radioWaves. A police officer or radio near the car to the airport may cast doubt on the accuracy of the results of the test cast.
Mouth alcohol and contaminants from OTHER SOURCES
Today's test is based on breathing equipment and infrared analysis to determine the breath sample, the alcohol is in a breath sample. A serious error in the instrument of his inability to distinguish between alcohol in a subject in the mouth and alcohol from the lungs (the deep lung air) .. Analysisis that many of these tools are not specific for alcohol. life-saving mouth alcohol can be caused by foreign bodies in the subjects mouth, alcohol, retained as denture adhesives, chewing tobacco, chewing gum and others are created.
Machinery, other chemicals DETECT ALCOHOL
The Intoxilyzer machine has great difficulty recognizing to molecules that have a similar structure to ethyl alcohol. There are many molecules of ethyl alcohol contain the methyl group. The Intoxilyzerbombards a breath sample with infrared light. The absorption of light is then on the Baer-Lambert theory stating that organic substances absorb energy at different infrared wavelengths have been tested. The wavelengths of the Intoxilyzer 5000 test of 3.39 and 3.48 microns. However, there are a number of similar substances that also absorb infrared light at these wavelengths. Chemicals, usually work in wood or in construction are used can be inhaled or even a strong presence ofChemicals on the clothing of a person can be read by an Intoxilyzer, such as alcohol.
Physical disability affects reading in May
certain diseases or disabilities may also create chemical reactions in the body that affect the Intoxilyzer reading. A person with heartburn, liver disease or diabetes, the chemical reactions in the body that affects a breath sample. . The same is true for people with certain diets or those that claim to certain drugs. Hyperventilation or sitting in someItems can also lead to a sampling error on a breath test. The problem of exposure to certain chemicals can cause, such as acetone in an inaccurate breath alcohol test result.
Breath temperature reading INFLUENCE
the temperature of the air we breathe can have a significant impact on the accuracy of a breath test. The Intoxilyzer 5000 is calibrated to test breath at 34 C. This is the same temperature that is used for simulator solutions. But it can not always breath samplesRegister exactly 34 C. Even a small difference can have a critical impact. perhaps not always. A variation of one degree can result in a higher BAC reading that is seventh%
How are the results DENIED
Intoxilyzer test results through the maintenance records of the Intoxilyzer, police reports and test results in subject matter. Often these documents will be information about the tests wrong. wrong test may be deleted, so that they are not used during the process and ifsuppressed, can lead to the prosecution to win a weak and impossible.
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