Take back your natural beauty with home remedies
skin disease is a problem that almost all of us from suffering. Acne is a common skin disease. Other than causing pimples, white heads and points blacks, but also embarrassing for many of us.
Today you will find a lot of treatments for acne only one of the most effective and safe at home acne remedies. Today, dermatologist refers homemade remedies and medications to avoid until absolutely necessary.
Here you will find a number of homemadeRemedies that will help you get rid of acne problem. Here are some remedies.
Or Papaya: Papaya is a natural remedy for acne. You have to make a mask for which you have the grid papaya. to make pasta with mask. Apply for about 15 minutes and then remove with a damp cloth.
Or Lemon: This is another effective way to get rid of acne. All you have to do is rub a slice of lemon on your face before going to bed. Alternatively, you can mix rose water and lemon juiceand apply on acne. Wash your face after 30 minutes.
O Mint: This is one of the most common ways to get rid of acne. Squeeze juice of mint and apply it to face right before going to bed.
or vinegar: mix a pinch of salt in vinegar and then apply rubbing gently on her face. Leave it there for about 30 minutes.
Or Cucumber: Cucumber is another option for the treatment of acne. You must make a cucumber paste and apply on face. Wash after a few minutes. Cucumberprefer the lemon and vinegar, which dries the skin, as not only heals acne, but also moisturizes the skin.
Not only home remedies acne cure acne, but together with a healthy diet, you can prevent acne to go out again in the future.
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