South Carolina Cracks Down on DUI
South Carolina became famous with some of the more lenient penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) in the country. As the number of alcohol-related deaths in car accidents rose decided, however, the parliament, that enough is enough and passed major changes to the laws of South Carolina DUI in 2008. These amendments entered into force on February 10, 2009.
Under the 2009 amendments, penalties for DUI convictions obtained based on the content page the driver's blood alcoholContent (BAC) level. The higher the BAC, the most serious are the possible sanctions. A summary of these changes is given below.
Prior DUI Conviction
The court may not suspend the fine for a first conviction or to offer a rate lower than that required by state law.
BAC .08 to .09
O 2-30 days in jail or 48 hours of community service
or $ 400 fine
BAC 0.10 to 0.15
or 30 to 30 days in jail or 72 hours of community service
or $ 500Fine
BACs 0.16 and above
O 30-60 days in jail or 30 days of community service
or $ 1,000 fine
Second DUI Conviction
In the revision of DUI laws, the legislature eliminated the ability to perform community service instead of imprisonment for the second time and subsequent DUI offenders. The court may not suspend the fine for violators of the second half, but may reduce the fine to $ 1,100 Second time offenders and then it is also necessary to serve the minimummandatory jail time and the suspension and delivery under their registrations and license plates.
BAC .08 to .09
Or mandatory minimum five days in jail
May be for one year imprisonment in
or fine of $ 2,100 - $ 5,100
BAC 0.10 to 0.15
Or mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail
Or they can be sentenced to up to two years in jail
or fine of $ 2,500 - $ 5,500
BACs 0.16 and above
Or the minimum required 90 days in jail
Or they can be sentenced to up to three years in prisonin prison
or fine of $ 3,500 - $ 6,500
Third DUI Conviction
BAC .08 to .09
Or the minimum required 60 days in jail
Or they can be sentenced to up to three years in prison
or fine of $ 3,800 - $ 6,300
BAC 0.10 to 0.15
Or the minimum required 90 days in jail
Or they can be sentenced to up to four years in prison
or fine of $ 5,000 - $ 7,000
BACs 0.16 and above
Or minimum mandatory six months in jail
Or it may be sentenced up to five years in prison
or fine of $ 7,500 - $ 10,000
Fourth andSubsequent DUI Conviction
BAC .08 to .09
Or mandatory minimum 1 year in prison
Or it may be sentenced up to five years in prison
BAC 0.10 to 0.15
Or mandatory minimum 2 years in prison
Or it may be sentenced up to six years in prison
BACs 0.16 and above
Or mandatory minimum of three years in prison
Or it may be sentenced up to seven years in prison
Refusal of a breathalyzer
Anyone with drunk driving, the need to take the Breathalyzer or refuses his suspicionslicense automatically suspended for six months (under the old law was three months). Anyone with a BAC reading of 0.15 or higher will automatically lose his license for six months. The length of license suspension shall be extended to any subsequent DUI conviction. For example, a second time offenders who take the breathalyzer every time his license will be rejected automatically suspended for nine months.
Felony DUI
A crime may DUInow produced in an alcohol-related accident, the great physical injury or death of another person if the injury or death through the actions of the driver cause problems will be charged. "Great bodily injury" is listed as a violation of the Statute, "creates a substantial risk of death or defined causes serious permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of a body member or organ."
Fines for the emergence of large number of violations by $ 5.100 - $ 10.100. Jail Timecan vary from a mandatory minimum of 30 days to 15 years.
Driver convicted of DUI incidents in the crime, the death of another, however, led to face much harsher penalties: up to $ 25,000 fine and sentenced to 25 years in prison. The judge must impose the mandatory minimum sentences and not be on probation, the convicted DUI crime.
Mandatory counseling
Even first offenders have successfully completed an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program certified byDepartment of Alcohol and other drug abuse services as a condition of his sentence for a DUI conviction. Before enrolling in a program, each DUI offender is evaluated to determine whether a course of training, treatment, or both is necessary. DUI offenders are required to pay for the program of pocket costs can be up to $ 2500. Those who can not enroll in a program acceptable within 30 days of their conviction on contempt of court instead.
Underage drinkers
The drivers21 years of age who are convicted of DUI will be suspended driver's license for six months for a first conviction. If you are convicted of DUI a second time in five years, the first conviction, will lose their licenses for one year.
Drive carefully
Before getting behind the wheel, looks tough penalties for DUI in South Carolina. If you have been arrested for DUI is, you should consult an attorney for advice.
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