Intoxication Assault
Drinking and driving is a serious crime that warrants severe sanctions. The DWI average cost $ 5,000 to $ 10,000, depending on the circumstances of the case. While a DWI charge is a felony in and of itself, the accusation of a crime an offense for which the drunk driver hurt another person because of drunkenness. Intoxication Assault is a crime of third degree, with serious consequences that can affect the rest of your life.
The consequences of intoxication assault
Thus,charged with intoxication assault, you must have caused damage to another person while you were drunk driving. By law it must be "serious injury" caused to another person. The law defines a serious injury as any injury, "creates a substantial risk that death or serious permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment causes the body of a member or organ."
Intoxication Assault is a serious crime that could change your lifeforever. The penalty for drunken attack may include:
• Up to 10,000 euros in fines
• imprisonment from 2 to 10 years
• 160-600 hours of community work
• License suspended
• probation parole-monthly meetings, regular drug testing, mandatory employment, and any other conditions as the court decides, it should be added to your probation (such as prohibiting the defendant from entering bars, require the removal of alcohol from home, etc.)
• DWIEducation class
• Victim Impact Panel sponsored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). Victims of drunk drivers will relay stories of how drunk drivers have influenced their lives
• Mandatory alcohol awareness sessions
• A built-in ignition locking device which is installed in the car of a defendant, who must pass a breathalyzer every time they start their car. When the driver's BAC (blood alcohol concentration) showed no alcohol, the vehicle isnot started. All tests are recorded data and the official test will be able to say whether "failure" a shot.
Moreover, criminal conviction records remain on ONE criminal can inhibit employment, approval of credit and other opportunities. A criminal conviction is not only expensive, but devastating for you and your family.
If you were charged with intoxication assault, it is essential that you hire an expertlawyer to defend your rights and the fight to reduce or dismiss the charges against you.
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