Potential problems with BAC Testing
If you drink alcohol, it is absorbed into your bloodstream. Then you can travel to different areas of the body, like your brain. This influence of alcohol, the type of path, so that you accidentally left steering and lighting systems. If the police take note irregular, can drag on for blood alcohol test. However, there are potential problems in testing that may occur during the test error.
First, it is important to understand how alcoholenters the bloodstream. As you drink, the drink comes from the stomach in the intestines. Here, the broken-down molecules of alcohol are absorbed into the bloodstream. They may then migrate to different parts of the body including the brain and lungs.
In the brain, alcohol increases the inhibitory effects of your signals, resulting in decreased coordination delayed reaction time and other things that can affect a driver's license and ability to take field sobrietyEvidence. field sobriety tests are different tests, the coordination of police forces use to estimate the blood alcohol concentration BAC, o. The tests include walking and turning, horizontal nystagmus, and a leg.
While the field sobriety tests given to law enforcement authorities have a good estimate of the BAC, they are still subjective. This means that the "results" every policeman or policewoman may vary practice your skills in the test. This is a problem that can beArrested for Drunk Driving is at the limit, even if you have a BAC below the legal.
In addition, police officers, sometimes as a breathalyzer test equipment. This gadget is based on a reaction between the alcohol on your breath and the chemicals in the device. The reaction is then treated with a light sensor, calibrated to transform it into an electrical signal. This signal then passes a needle that shows the BAC.
Although this may seem technologically advanced andSo, exactly, is not always true. When mixtures of chemicals are mixed improperly, can throw off the test. In addition, the cell has old or corroded, this can change the results. Finally, a mechanical failure with the needle look like you have a BAC over the legal limit.
If you were charged with DWI or DUI, it is possible that problems arise with the test results of blood alcohol concentration that gave incorrect. An experienced lawyer can helpthese problems and get the costs are reduced or even dismissed. To discuss your case, contact a lawyer from Houston DWI Johnson, Johnson & Baer, PC, today.
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