Back-planning for success
new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and challenging - at least until you sit down and start trying to figure out how to achieve these objectives effectively wild. Suddenly appeared, what and how such a clear and well marked path turns into a thick desert covered brambled dangerous traps invisible and endless branching and marked trails. It 'just crawl back into your old life and forget all the boring ever happened. ButLet's try something a little different look, first, and if we do not tame the jungle invaded.
One of the best and most thorough way to find out how something new is called back-planning, or top-down planning to do. It begins with the collection of your finished lens at the top of the page and work your way back through the first logical step of the foregoing, it should be. This is the best way to discover the gaps in the information soon. To be truly effective,The list should always be precise and very detailed, rather than broken into large, ambiguous passages, each of which contains many smaller, unknown to the pitfalls could careless. Here are two examples, one bad and the other as well, based on the objective of buying a house. Read from the bottom up.
Bad example
Buying a house in the suburbs: Goal
* Around the house (which can involve many steps here)
* Learning Inspectorate (how do you make your configuration?)
* Make your choice (basedwhat?)
* See the houses (which are the priority, there is a list of properties?)
* Areas of research (based on what qualities and how?)
The good example
Buying a house in the suburbs: Goal
* Around the house
Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
* Unlock and make an offer, or refuse, and repeat with the house next door
* Review of inspection and legal relationships
* Property rental real estate attorney to review legal issues
* Get quotes from real estate attorney(See Charlie)
* Hire an independent auditor
* Get quotes on inspections (see Bob and Jackie for transfers)
* Select top three choices for the list of priorities, the needs / desires and price list, and rank them in order of
* Reports of recent research, compare prices
* View properties in person
* Given their list of priorities and wants / needs list and make appointments to view properties
* Contract estate agent for the buyer
* Determine Loan Approval estimationSale price brackets
* Loan Search Options / suppliers and chose the best (ask Mary)
* Budget for the deposit and fees
* Estimated payment, control, legal, brokerage and closure costs
* Estimate of real estate prices in selected districts
* The research and choose favorites based on lists
* Create a priority list of structures and settings
* Creating a needs / wants list for new home
As you can see, the second list is much more organized and detailed,and the procedure in a specific order rational. Of course you want, if you know what you need to buy a house, your neighborhood or favorite song you choose, you should eliminate these steps, just as you would any steps to change and probably add a little 'more if the property is required for business purposes, etc. The trick is to ensure that you expect each step and sub-passage in question, and ensure that there is a clear progression from the beginning to beat the end.
An important feature of this method of planning that has happened since the beginning of it. Instead of watching the starting line strong terror across the vast and unexplored between you and your dream, make a successful backup scheduling is the latest step in the process and the attention focused on the nuts and bolts of the trip . Once it is clear that your previously vague and distant dream can be reached by a series of well-defined andreasonable steps, concepts once thought of falling materials out of reach.
The careful reader will notice another major difference between the two lists. The second list might contain references to friends and acquaintances who are able to help through their contacts, advice or services. Friends want to help friends with someone at your side who knows the area can be not only equal, if not useful (or even antagonistic) experts and complicatedThe processes are involved, but be aware that you do not need to know or do everything yourself, then this adventure is successful you peace of mind, all under control.
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