Cure for bad breath on the back of the throat of sinusitis
There are many reasons for bad breath, it is quite difficult for the reasons in some cases. Most of the problems seem due to oral hygiene. However, if you experience bad breath from the back of the neck is probably due to sinusitis and post nasal drip. If this is your case, you should know something about this condition and how to treat it properly.
What is sinusitis
Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinusesBreasts. It may occur as a result of infections or problems with fungi, allergies, viruses, bacteria or autoimmune diseases. This condition is closely associated with inflammation of the nose (rhinitis), also known as Rhino sinusitis linked.
The human body has many couples sinuses. This includes the sphenoid sinuses, masillary, ethmoid and frontal. ethmoid cells can be further subdivided in the front and rear. There are different levels of visual acuity of sinusitis and we can classifyDisease that has hit the cavity itself.
On this basis we can sinusitis (which leads to problems in the upper zone, headache, toothache, and so on), sphenoid sinusitis (caused in the area behind the eye pressure or pain and can also be the apex of the links will head ), ethmoid sinusitis (which can also cause her pain and / or pressure behind the eyes, but to see each other, usually causes headaches) and sinusitis (attacksthe sinus cavity, usually causing headaches).
Recently, we discovered that there is a relationship between sinusitis and other illnesses that attack the respiratory system. Often these are asthma. Any type of sinusitis can be used as part of general inflammation of the airways, and because of the symptoms that are characteristic of this inflammation, such as coughing, can be detected easily viewed.
Sinusitis and post nasal drip
Bad breath is not causeddirectly from sinusitis. What happens is that the inflamed sinuses, a quantity of mucus, producing varying degrees. It tends to drip down the back of the throat area, appears on the back of the tongue and throat. This condition is known as post nasal drip.
This mucus is mostly protein, food for the anaerobic bacteria live in the mouth. When these bacteria feed on proteins, it smells bad clearance from their waste products. To make matters worse, the lackhumidity in the affected areas allows anaerobic bacteria to multiply easily. Have mucus stuck on the back of the neck and create an uncontrollable urge to swallow for those affected. To eliminate the bad breath that appears on the back of the neck due to sinusitis and post nasal drip, we have a condition that causes mucus to eliminate development.
In most cases, post nasal drip is caused by an allergy flu or cold. In such a situationYou may have to wait until the condition to heal itself and certain medications, if you suffer from allergies. On the other hand, we can also fight and post nasal drip, try to reduce it (removed), while creating more than sinusitis. Doctors can prescribe several drugs to reduce bad breath and discomfort caused by the disease. Usually we find a mixture of three: Sudafed, guaifenesin and antithistamines as possible solutions to such a case.
Sudafed is ayou buy without a prescription decongestant and works by opening the sinuses. It also reduces mucus secretion, which, when the inflammation is released. Guaifenesin is to eliminate mucus and direct the work will be easier to swallow for the patient. You can also use them without a prescription and the most common names which are sold Robitussin or Mucinex. As an antihistamine, doctors usually prescribe Allegra, Claritin or Benedryl. They are recommended for the nightU.S. and tend to the patient's sleep, especially in the case of Benedryl.
Bad breath can be fought in the dealings with the condition to be highlighted here. The only irritation persists, your desire to swallow because of the mucus on the back of your throat. One way to alleviate this is to eat a piece of bread, celery or any kind of bulky. The majority of patients who suffer from chronic post nasal drops with celery next to them have the night to sleep better.
BadThe breath is the least of your worries
In the case of sinusitis and post nasal drip, bad breath is the least of your problems. You can easily mask the odor from the back of the neck. What you really need to do is follow the prescription from your doctor. Failure to observe the condition only gets worse and you could end up with different types of pain, the type of sinusitis is based suffering.
For most cases, bad breath, which disappears as soon asThe disease is under control. The combination of medicine, proper nutrition and proper oral hygiene, you will soon notice significant improvements in the quality of breathing. They claim that the next sinusitis, tonsillitis, another possible cause, which is post-nasal drip. A correct diagnosis is very important to consult a doctor.
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