Alcohol Test method - Breath, blood tests, etc.
There are several methods for testing of alcohol. The alcohol in the blood, breath, urine and saliva can be tested.
Blood alcohol test
blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as the alcohol is the norm to measure the degree to which an individual is suffering from. For years, studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the concentration of alcohol in the blood and the degree of the reactions and decisions will be affected.The methodology for testing blood alcohol is used gas chromatography and is the most accurate test of quality in the forensic field. However, blood sampling is an invasive and expensive that most companies prefer to avoid.
Alcohol Breath Test
And 'demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between the concentration of alcohol in the blood of a person and their breath alcohol content. When breathing gas from the lungs to replace the blood(Especially oxygen) during inhalation, and vice versa (primarily C02) during exhalation. During this exchange, the alcohol evaporates and is carried from the lungs into the air. There are several types of breathalyzer tester on the market. These range from disposable screening testers to the equipment, the results legally admissible, including very expensive digital monitor breath alcohol reading provides. These types of testers in threeCategories:
Breath alcohol measuring devices
Evidence is not portable
disposable devices (not the forensic results)
Devices for the breath test devices are generally expensive (it costs $ 2000 - $ 5,000 per unit), require regular maintenance, repair and calibration, and personnel must be certified to operate. Attachments such as sterile mouth pieces, each time a test can be performed. These units are large table topdesigned to be used in one place. In motion, may require a change in the calibration, maintenance.
The hand-held devices provide relatively accurate results and are used for screening. By measuring the alcohol content in a sure sign of breath alcohol concentration in blood is reached. Portable devices are less accurate than the final devices, however, comparing the cost-performance ratio, these devices are affordable and adequatefor personal use. Most of the testing devices are not drinking and can not be used in court.
The disposable non-invasive, less accurate and scalable method of screening for alcohol. It can be used to detect the presence of alcohol with a rough estimate of the degree of impairment. As disposable, the cost per test for preliminary investigations are significantly higher than the cost of testing with portable equipment.
Here's howThe work of ethyl alcohol in the blood escapes through the lung tissue in exhaled air. The presence of ethyl alcohol in the breath is that of a color change of very sensitive chemically coated crystals disposable breath analyzer contained detectable. Immediately before use, the vial with gentle finger pressure on the outer clear glass tube pulled within the boundaries of the release tube. If the object radiates into the tube, the crystals to interact with breathing steamand changes color from yellow to blue, if alcohol is present. If all the crystals change color completely, this indicates that the blood alcohol concentration of 0.10% of the subject, beyond the legal limit in most states.
Urine alcohol test
Although alcohol urine test indicates the presence of alcohol by a person, does not show the current status of the individual. After the alcohol enters the bloodstream through the stomach in 15 minutes,an immediate impact. E 'then absorbed by the body and after 1 ½ to 2 hours, begins to show in the urine. Therefore, alcohol is not measured in the urine provided a real person. The results show first that the state for several hours.
Additionally, urine alcohol concentration does not directly correspond to the concentration of alcohol in the blood. urine alcohol concentration depends on the human metabolism and the amount of fluid in his system. ToThus, a person who is slightly dehydrated will tend to have higher concentration of alcohol in the urine of those with a normal level of fluid in his system.
At least one study has shown that a false positive can occur due to alcohol urine. High concentrations of sugar and acetone in the body can cause fermentation in the urine, creating a false-positive urine for alcohol. All in all, the urine test alcohol is the least preferred, or perhaps more accurately test availableAlcohol test. It is worthwhile to read a document to support research published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology: Error converting a urine alcohol level of alcohol in their blood. SIDNEY KAYE, Ph.D., and Eduardo Cardona, MS
Saliva Alcohol Test
The second type of evidence now available to testers and disposable saliva for the presence of alcohol. Although a correlation between the concentration of alcohol in the blood and saliva alcohol concentration is presumed toThere, the reaction chemistry and technology has been used not proven to be accurate and reliable.
saliva tester to oxidize the alcohol with an enzyme that responds to alcohol in relation to the concentration of alcohol in a saliva sample is mixed expectations on them. The user estimates the BAC by comparing the color change on the strip patch calibrated standard colors correspond to different BAC.
Although some saliva testers seem to be the presence of aAlcohol quite well, using the enzyme alcohol in these meters are readily oxidized by hot and cold temperatures. High temperatures tend to misunderstand high readings, while cold will tend to indicate falsely low readings. lead exposure to temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius ambient air or for the destruction of the enzyme alcohol oxidize rendering useless the tester. Most saliva testers give no indication if contamination has occurred, they simply do not work. Saliva Testerusually have a duration of one year or less.
Furthermore, most testers do not saliva test results by independent laboratories.
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