Cure for acne Back - Home remedies that work
Acne is an inflammation of the skin, are you aware of any human being on the skin when the skin condition is favorable and appropriate for acne to occur, a part of the body, acne usually break out. Acne usually appears on the face but acne can also appear on the back, neck, back and so is the most annoying of all, because special treatment behind the pimples can sometimes be a difficult task. But there are simple home remedy knownThe treatment, which can get rid of acne quickly and effectively bring. Here are some methods for the treatment of lightly.
1. Mix the tomato juice with bleaching earth and fresh juice of mint leaves and some yogurt in a clean bowl. Can someone apply the acne on your back for you or you can use a long spoon they apply back at you every day. After some time, it is completely dry, you can rinse with warm water. L 'Tomato juice is a weak acid and break the excess oil in your acne. Yogurt is naturally a good ingredient for home remedies like acne contains lactic acid bacteria that your best to check the spread of bacteria in a.
2. Get a handful of coarsely ground rice and mix with one or two of lemon juice. It is used to gently rub on the back acne as a stain, you can wrap it in towels a thin strip of clean, so easy to apply on the back. They must be keptlines at both ends and then from top to bottom to move up and down the back straight on the affected part of the back acne. Note that be sweet and not too much power in the movement. This treatment regularly to get rid of dead cells in your body and keep the skin dry by the oil content, and will also spread the bacteria inside the pimple will lead to a further outbreak of acne.
Besides the use ofthese treatments to cure acne back home you have to change your choice of clothing. You should wear mostly cotton materials that are not close or closer to your skin. Avoid synthetic clothing or rough, because you do feel uncomfortable and irritating. When Bad mild and gentle soaps. Follow these simple remedies, and you'll start to see an improvement on the skin.
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