Back acne natural home remedies
What is the back acne?
Back acne is in the same state of facial acne. The sebaceous glands, stimulated by androgens to receive and produce excess sebum. Sebum is an oily substance produced by sebaceous glands of the skin. overproduction of sebum clogs the pores of the skin and prevent the release of cell death. Then, dead cells, sebum put sticky bacteria, acne thrive in this form pores. Back acne must be treated with care as far back skinthick and sebaceous glands produce more sebum much. Back acne leaves ugly scars when healed. The texts of Ayurveda to mention many wonderful herbs that help in the back and acne scars.
What exaggerates Back Acne?
Everything that irritates the skin acne exaggerating again. Only a few are mentioned here.
- Backpacks, rub the skin surface.
Back-massage with crude oils unfit.
tightly fitting clothes.
Synthetic clothesdo not absorb sweat.
Rough-back seats
Re-rub vigorously with a stiff brush or Loofahs
Home remedy for acne Background:
Back-wash with a mild soap such as Hard.
-Do not use coarse brush or long Loofahs as not to irritate the skin and increase break out ..
Mild skin cleansing products are the cleanest in the back skin.
Prefer the bathrooms as the bathroom shower with warm water for 20 minutes to helpRelease dead skin cells.
-Avoid tight clothing
-Do not wear synthetic clothes, because it does not absorb water and then collect the moisture on the skin. This is a favorable condition for bacteria that grow in the pores of the skin.
-Stay away from rough scratchy clothes, as irritate the skin.
-Wear loose clothing, soft cotton.
-Do not let her back scrub with massage oils rough or irritating.
-Put a headband to prevent loss of hair on the back. TheThe sweat and dirt accumulated on the strands of hair can fall back on the skin in your hair
Vata and Kapha are two doshas that are involved in the outbreak of acne and pimples The oil produced by sebaceous glands known as MEDA (body fat). Kapha (one of tridosha) is dominant in MEDA. The presence of Kapha in Medlen makes it sticky. Vata is dominant in the skin. When Vata is aggravated by poor diet and lifestyle, activates the skin's sebaceous glands secrete more oil or stickyTallow. So sticky oil or sebum oozes clog the pores of the skin.
Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle as a home remedy for back acne:
-Avoid spicy foods, dry and oily. This can lead to aggravation of Vata and digestive disorders.
-Maintain the habit of emptying bowels regularly this always normalizes vata.
-Avoid fast food and soft drinks.
-Exposure of skin to weather Evita.
-Drink plenty of water.
The consumption of sweetsvegetable salads and fresh fruits keeps the skin healthy and resistant to stains.
-Do not consume foods that lead to digestive disorders
-Drink plenty of water (15 glasses per day)
-Avoid excessive use of cheese, fish, sour and salty, Bengal gram (urad), radish, sesame, horse gram and jaggery.
A regular exercise program
exercise, not after a heavy meal
-Avoid extreme climatic conditions.
-Check your emotions through yoga and meditation
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