DUI Help - Refuse DUI Pre-Screening Test
In most states, if you are suspected of drunk driving, you need to do a blood test the concentration of alcohol as a breathalyzer when he was asked by the police or incurring harsh penalties. But the police have a reasonable suspicion that you have been drinking before they ask you to test a BAC.
To establish a reasonable suspicion of the police to use a number of issues and DUI pre-screening or field sobriety test. You are not obliged to answer questions or participate in anytests. If you want to go with these tests provide only the officer reasonably suspects that he or she needs to try to, you need a blood alcohol content.
Refusing to make a nice chat and to avoid a DUI test
One of the easiest ways for the police to a reasonable suspicion that must administer a blood alcohol test is only asked if you had to drink have nothing. Do not admit that even a drink. If you think this is reasonableSuspicion.
The Officer may also ask where you were and what you have done. This may seem very innocent, but if you add that with friends or attend a sporting event or anywhere where alcohol is served often have reasonable suspicion the officer was given. Are not required to answer these questions or a friendly chat with the police.
Refusing the DUI sobriety field test
If you stopped by the police officer may ask theIt is a field sobriety test such as the position with his legs, fingers-to-nose or nystagmus test, the officer, a flash light in his eyes and looking eye movements appear irregular wear.
These tests should be only one purpose, the officer reasonably suspects that he or she needs to try to, you need a blood alcohol content. They have almost no chance of those tests. Some, like the one-leg stand, could pass for a trained athlete to be perfect and you run hardPass or fail grade is not entitled to a jury, but only the police. It is not necessary to perform these tests and you should politely refuse to do so without created in a conversation with the officer. Do not make excuses for the test can not be denied only.
The most important point to remember is that if you are charged with a DUI, and the case ends up before the judicial officer must be able to justify, test is not necessary to take the BAC.give police extra ammunition to talk through a lot or a field sobriety test, that is all but impossible to pass.
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