As was done in cases of libel, slander and defamation Deal
The cases of libel, slander and libel are in many cases, the handling of complaints against people who smear his name and get no apparent reason to ruin your reputation in the process of evil. If someone or a company does this for you, then you can file a lawsuit and end up being rewarded for the damage you have caused.
For this you need a good defender. If the resources that you can pay for the services of one, but if you can not affordGovernment should provide one. Once you have a lawyer to go through the elements of defamation, whether it is true that a false statement was made on you and if it causes damage to you or your reputation as a result of the declaration. The lawyer and see if there are any defects that need to be compensated.
If they are, then you have a contract with the lawyer to express, what to do and howpaid.
When you're done with this signed authorization for libel clearly the case, including the amount of money you want to pay is said against you or a confession. The person you have made this complaint is then served with the papers of appeal. It is designed to respond to complaints and offer a defense. If you pay then call vote, but if you have nothing else to do the case is submitted to a judge. To avoid thisSometimes it does not happen to a mediator to make peace with the two parties so that the case did go to court, but can control the situation, taking disrupted.
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