Why do not the politicians and judges never a breathalyzer test?
It seems that politicians, celebrities and judges are famous for one thing - skirting anger on the skin of their teeth. If OJ Simpson, Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, or any other person to renown on, it seems that they never get the same punishment as the rest of us (except Paris Hilton, that their lifestyle should be located not to drink or at least know how to minimize the damage when he stopped for suspected DUI). As you read below, isbecause they often have different priorities than the rest of us, and probably many more have preliminary information before being stopped for DUI.
If the breath test usually turns around two main issues:
(1) How did you get drunk, and
(2) how bad you need a license?
In many states have, what an extreme DUI or gross pay, that if someone blows over a certain amount on breath test (areWashington, and I think that here is equal to 0.15). If you blow up this issue not only lose the automatic driver's license (in some states - please consult an attorney before making a decision whether to do a breath test) and are subject to a higher penalty. So, for some, the chance to fall in view of the increased rate enough for the breath test.
Another possibility is the effect of refusing a breath test. In most states tacitly agree to be in touchtest when suspected of DUI simply driving. You can refuse to perform the test, but leads to a higher penalty of driving restrictions and can use your refusal against you in court. In Washington, for example, if you take a breath test and lose your license for 90 days. But if you refuse, your license for 365 days lost. For many, the thought of losing their license, which prevents long who refuse the test, although it could be the best for his DUIConviction (this is a much tougher call to Washington hours after the license is suspended, you can immediately ask for a lock and drive the entire length of the shock to him.
For many high-profile situations to deny it is this second aspect, the desire to create a breath test. not politicians, for example, absolutely safe, a bit 'over the loss of their license. It will not be at the next campaign. A DUI conviction, on the other,would certainly be embarrassing and a quantity of ammunition for each opponent. And because it is infinitely more difficult to prosecute without a DUI breath test (even if a refusal could be used against you, there are many ways to explain this away, even the unreliability of the test), many people are choosing high-profile test waste to lower the fight against DUI test for his driver's license penalty.
If you are ever faced with the decision of breathTest or not, please inform a lawyer, if allowed (six in Washington). We can discuss the situation with you and help you decide the best course of action. This is, of course, given the obvious alternative, which is to give up drinking and driving.