Recreational Land Loans

Owning a getaway property built on a land close to the mountains or the sea are stuff dreams are made of for many. However, the brave ones find the means to bring these dreams to life. One of the ways to own a recreation land is by applying for recreation land loans.

However, before you jump in glee over the very prospect of being able to take a loan and invest in an undeveloped plot of land, you must realize that loans for such real estate don't come easy. The interest rates are also not nearly as attractive as for mortgage or refinancing loans. The reason is that it is quite difficult to evaluate the value of land as compared with a house. Now appraising land is complicated because it may suffer from soil, drainage, or other issues.

Another major issue in getting recreational land loans is there is no loan company that will be able to buy these loans from loan dispensing individuals or companies that aren't equipped to keep them anymore. However, that being said, you still have options to get a recreational land loan if you are willing to make 10% or 20% down payment. There are some banks that will be happy to finance you, but the catch is that they will dispense the loan only for land belonging to their neighboring areas. In order to buy land outside the banks' neighborhoods, you'll be required to put down at least 50%! However, if you are really desperate and don't mind paying 12% interest on the borrowed amount, you may be in luck as there are land finance companies who can finance your need.

So is there no other way to buy recreation land? One of the best ways to do this is open up your pocket and pay cash for the land deal. If you don't have that kind of money then use home equity or go for refinancing (cash). There are recreational land loan specialists that can help you get a better deal from financial institutions. As a matter of fact, your seller can also help arrange financing for you. Some land companies refer their buyers to local banks in the vicinity of their developments for loan to buy land. If you are lucky you may get ARM for 30-year duration at 5.5% interest rate. So look around, try to negotiate before making a choice.

On the other hand, if you aren't buying land directly from a developer, nor can you invest your home equity, visit the local banks for loan programs. If you are certain that the property value is increasing, you will be able to get recreational land loans easily. As land prices rise, banks are willing to give out loans for lower rate of interest. Who knows you may just get lucky enough with one of them.

Another good thing to remember when buying undeveloped land is that it will be counted as an investment if you have plans of constructing a house on it in future. The loan will not be treated as a mortgage loan.

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